Ryan Reynolds to be Buried alive

Ryan ReynoldsVariety reported last night that Ryan Reynolds’ next movie will be an indie film called Buried, wherein he’ll play a civilian contractor who gets kidnapped in Iraq, only to wake up in a coffin with a knife, cell phone, and candle next to him.

The film has a typical indie pedigree with it being directed by Rodrigo Cortes (The Contestant), written by newcomer Chris Sparling, and produced by Peter Safran (Disaster Movie) and Adrian Guerra.

And while production is set to start in Barcelona this month, I do have my suspicions about the part of the article where Michael Fleming states Reynolds’ motivation for taking the role:

He decided to go the indie route as a way to stretch his acting chops in a movie with a claustrophobic premise, and one in which he holds the screen through most of the picture.

Oh really? Who said that? Was that in the press release? Or did his publicist or agent tell you? If so, why not quote your source? Or weasel out and write, “A source close to Reynolds said that…”?

Knowing that even print journalistic standards are slipping makes me weep and gnash my teeth.

4 thoughts on “Ryan Reynolds to be Buried alive

  • Hi, Trisha. I just wanted to thank you for your comment on taoofpoker. It wasn’t something that concerned me greatly – sometimes no news is good news šŸ™‚ – but, I appreciated your gesture and thought nonetheless. I’m very proud Pauly invited me to write for the Tao and I hope my writing has been up to scratch. The standard, imo, has been very high.

  • By the way, from reading your blog, it would appear you’re quite the scribe yourself. I’m a big film fan myself. Thanks again.

  • Now the question is, can Reynolds actually hold the screen and keep it interesting for long stretches of time? I feel as though Tom Hanks pulled it off in Castaway, and Richard Farnsworth in The Straight Story; no easy task.

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