Geekly Speaking About… Gilbert and Sullivan Productions in the Twin Cities

In the effort to both be able to play video games while churning out columns, I’ve combined my Sunday Twitch streams and some of my old columns into something entirely new. I can’t call this a pilot because I have at least 15 audio-only Geekly Speaking About… episodes which I hope I’ll have the time to convert to a new embedding format, but I hope you enjoy this new column which was supposed to go up last Thursday but I ran out of time. (Thank goodness for the ability to change publishing and posting dates.)


And now for the show notes!

0:01 – Vidcast Begins
2:43 – My Introduction to the Works of Gilbert & Sullivan
17:31 – An Aside on Draenor/Outland Geography
20:02 – Talkin’ ’bout Princess Ida

52:10 – “Commercial” Break
1:02:13 – Talkin’ ’bout The Pirates of Penzance

1:28:02 – The Tale of the Tape
1:28:48 – Credits

Additional Reading:
Is ‘The Mikado’ Too Politically Incorrect to Be Fixed? Maybe Not.

Music Credits:
“Adaptation Jam” by Aussens@iter (feat. Bill Ray) © copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
“Dub the Uke” by Kara Square (feat. DJ Vadim) © copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
“Now wouldn’t you like to rule the roost?” by The D’Oyly Carte Opera Company © copyright 1965.

Sound Effects:
“Large crowd…” by eguobyte © copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication license.
“Crowd Cheer” by FoolBoyMedia © copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication license.

Geekly Speaking About… is a video-cast (and former podcast) about pop culture and geek culture both old and new. Trisha Lynn is a presenter and is also the very model of a modern female broadcaster.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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