David Mamet + Anne Frank = Verbal explosion!

Anne FrankI really don’t know what to think about the news from Variety about the acquisition of the rights to do another film version of The Diary of Anne Frank by Disney to be written and directed by David Mamet.

Yes, that David Mamet, the one who wrote Glengarry Glen Ross, and wrote and directed State and Main, who is known for his manipulation of the English language into new and perverse itierations.

That David Mamet. Is going to be directing a film for Disney. About Anne Frank.

Even more mind-blowing to me is the reveal that Andrew Braunsberg is the producer, he who also produced Being There, which was way better and more trippy than Forrest Gump was and as such was a better movie.

Apparently, Braunsberg had been trying to get these rights from the Frank estate as well as the estates of Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich who wrote the stage adaptation. The new film will be an amalgamation of words and scenes from the diary, the stage play, and new material from Mamet; apparently, he’s already working on the script.

I don’t know about you, but I am utterly blown away by this news and cannot wait to hear more.

8 thoughts on “David Mamet + Anne Frank = Verbal explosion!

  • Hang on a moment here.

    David Mamet didn't direct 'Hannibal' and 'Wag the Dog', he did writing duties on both films but the directorial duties were handled by Ridley Scott and Barry Levinson respectively.

  • Do you really need to beat her, can't you publicly shame her or take away her nerd bage or something (I know awhile back it was taken away I'm just not sure if it was given back).

  • I was just listening to Bill Bryson read his book “Neither Here Nor There” and he talks about visiting the Anne Frank museum. He wondered why there was never any mention of the Dutch gentiles that helped hide the Franks and people like them, at great risk to their own lives.

    I wonder if Mamet will touch on this or if he will keep it personal to Ms. Frank

  • I was just listening to Bill Bryson read his book “Neither Here Nor There” and he talks about visiting the Anne Frank museum. He wondered why there was never any mention of the Dutch gentiles that helped hide the Franks and people like them, at great risk to their own lives.

    I wonder if Mamet will touch on this or if he will keep it personal to Ms. Frank

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