Jeff Bridges to join Coens for some True Grit?

Jeff BridgesIn spite of the fact that Variety writer Michael Fleming is calling it a Big Lebowswki-esque reunion, I’m pleased at the news that Jeff Bridges is “in discussions” to star in the Coen brothers’ redo of True Grit.

The article gives a little more detail on what Joel and Ethan Coen and producer Scott Rudin plan on doing with the film to distinguish it from the 1969 original starring John Wayne:

Story centers on a 14-year-old girl who tags along with an aging U.S. marshal, Rooster Cogburn, and another lawman to track the outlaw who killed her father. The original told the story from Cogburn’s point of view, but the new version will work from the viewpoint of the girl.

And since it’s Jeff Bridges and all, I can’t help but think about the great chemistry he had with Jodelle Ferland in Terry Gilliam’s Tideland and wonder if they’ll be able to find another child actor like her to play against Bridges.

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