Quick Cuts: Spider-Man 4 falls while Deadpool rises, and other stories (updated)

What was originally a winter break for the pre-production team at Spider-Man 4 has turned into a layoff as an unnamed source deep inside Sony Pictures stated that production has stopped on the movie, citing the script problem rumors that have been circulating since last month: “We will not start until we have it right. The feeling is we are not going to rush it to make the [May 6, 2001] date.” Considering that the previous installment in the franchise featured an overly long dance number in the middle of the movie, I’m perfectly alright with a delay. (Source: Variety)

Meanwhile over in Marvel anti-hero land, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick from the hit Zombieland have been tapped to write the X-Men spinoff movie Deadpool. This is a team that’s on a roll, by the way, because the two also took a whack at Venom and recently sold a script called Earth Vs. Moon to Universal Pictures. (Source: Variety)

And finally, despite all the love that’s been bestowed on James Cameron’s Avatarwhich equals $1.063 billion dollars’ worth worldwide to date—there’s at least one organization that is hating on it. Enter SceneSmoking.org which gave the movie a “black lung” for its depiction of environmentally-friendly scientist Dr. Grace Augustine as being an avid smoker.

I give Cameron props for defending his movie when he responded in a written statement, “From a character perspective, we were showing that Grace doesn’t care about her human body, only her avatar body.” I’m choosing to take those props away again because Cameron went on to say: “which again is a negative comment about people in our real world living too much in their avatars, meaning online and in video games.”

What the hell kind of message is that, when the deus ex flora-and-fauna-ina at the end of the movie is the protagonist being able to leave his human body behind forever in order to live in his 10-foot tall non-parapalegic blue one?! (Source: NY Times)

UPDATE: A new story making the rounds about John Malkovich “confirming” a Vulture role seems to be getting a little distorted. According to BadTaste.it (via Coming Soon), Malkovich appeared on an Italian sports show and “not only didn’t deny his involvement, confirmed that he’s waiting for the final script to be sent to him, and that the movie has been delayed. He also hopes that shooting will begin as soon as possible.” This doesn’t really say much, other than that the producers hope to have him involved.

I don’t think it’s safe to assume that he’s definitely starring as the Vulture; only that he’s interested — and waiting to see a script.

3 thoughts on “Quick Cuts: Spider-Man 4 falls while Deadpool rises, and other stories (updated)

  • jesusdesaad says:

    Well it's kind of a sensible message. Cameron knows that the ending is all fairy tale, even within movie reality (come on, the planetary spirit suddenly possessing every living thing against millions of years of natural instincts saying otherwise? really? Even though the very presence of Humans in the movie means there is no real earth spirit? Deus Ex Machina 101) and he doesn't want to give false hopes to idiots that worrying more about avatars than their own real selves should be acceptable or even okay.

    “It's okay to fancy escapism, but not at the cost of your health.” seems like a good message to me

  • jesusdesaad says:

    Well it's kind of a sensible message. Cameron knows that the ending is all fairy tale, even within movie reality (come on, the planetary spirit suddenly possessing every living thing against millions of years of natural instincts saying otherwise? really? Even though the very presence of Heavy Industrial Humans in the movie means there is no real earth spirit? Deus Ex Machina 101) and he doesn't want to give false hopes to idiots that worrying more about avatars than their own real selves should be acceptable or even okay.

    “It's okay to fancy escapism, but not at the cost of your health.” seems like a good message to me

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