Hockey + Fashion = Latest New Line RomCom

New Line Cinema announced that it would be producing a movie based on the story of professional hockey player Sean Avery‘s experiences as a Vogue magazine summer intern. (Source: Hollywood Reporter)

Choke producers Beau Flynn and Tripp Vinson have been tapped by New Line to oversee it, and that has me slightly anticipating more details because since romantic comedies aren’t their usual bread and butter, they’re probably going to be bringing a fresh take to the genre.

The reason why I’m very optimistic about this movie because I am hoping — probably against hope — that it can break down some boundaries when it comes to the notion of what is truly masculine. After all, you’re not going to make fun of a former New York Ranger who’s known for his verbal jabs as well as his bodychecks just because he considers himself a fashionista, are you?

2 thoughts on “Hockey + Fashion = Latest New Line RomCom

  • Oh for the love of—

    Of all the hockey players to do a movie about, one is getting made about super pest Sean Avery? Yeesh.

    How about a movie about someone with some class? Maybe Mark Messier or Wayne Gretzky? Both of these amazing players have a very strong fashion sense. Gretzky even has his own clothes line.

  • Yeah, but did Gretzky or Messier burn up the gossip pages with his antics this summer? The Hollywood mentality is to strike while the iron is hot, and despite his crass masturbatory remarks, he’s pretty hot.

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