Rachel McAdams takes on proto-femme fatale role in Sherlock Holmes

In addition to Rachel McAdams being signed to star in Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes (filming starts next month!) as Arthur Conan Doyle’s only interesting female character Irene Adler, Hollywood Reporter is also saying that Jude Law will be RDJ’s Watson and Mark Strong will play Holmes’ nemesis, Blackwood. I don’t know enough about Strong to be excited about him, and I have to admit that I often get Jude Law confused with Ewan McGregor (when he cleans up, that is). Still, good casting choices, methinks.

The more I re-read the Sherlock Holmes short stories, the more I appreciate them. I’m in the middle of reading “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes” on Bibliomania, and there are a few of the stories there that are about Holmes’ earliest cases, when he was fresh out of college or even when he was in college (“The Gloria Scott,” “The Musgrave Ritual”) and I have to admit that turning a tale like those into a movie might not be a bad idea.

Still, RDJ will have to go a very long way towards replacing Jeremy Brett as being the ultimate Holmes for me, God rest his soul.

One thought on “Rachel McAdams takes on proto-femme fatale role in Sherlock Holmes

  • Pedro Steckecilo says:

    I’m fully onside with this movie, mostly because as I reread my favorite Holmes stories I KNOW they can be made more “action packed” without ruining the story as, despite having dangerous villains, Holmes badguys rarely…

    1) Make a Run for it
    2) Fight Back
    3) Have Violent Henchmen
    4) Aurther Conan Doyle has all the Action Sequences happen “Off Camera” as he is obviously not writing “violent” stories, which is fine, but it still can be done. (ex. The Final Problem, probably the most action packed holmes story)

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