Jay Roach, Katia Lund team up to take on Pakistani rape victim's story

mukhtar-maiI never thought I’d actually be saying this, but for the first time in a long time, I think I want to see a Jay Roach film.

The film in question has no name yet, but according to Variety, it will be produced by Roach (the Austin Powers movies, the Meet the… movies) and written and directed by Katia Lund, she who also directed City of God.

The story will concern that of Mukhtar Mai, a Pakistani woman who had been gang-raped in revenge for her brother’s alleged act of adultery against a neighboring tribe’s female member. She appealed to a higher court, and became a leading figure for women’s rights in Pakistan.

City of God was one of the best movies starring unknowns that I’d seen in a while, and if Lund can summon 1/10th of the power that was in that movie to be in this one, it will be a force to reckon with.

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