Actress Natasha Richardson dies at 45 after ski accident


In a truly saddening turn of events, actress Natasha Richardson has died after sustaining injuries in a ski accident that took place three days ago. She was 45.

Richardson, the daughter of British thespian Vanessa Redgrave and director Tony Richardson first gained fame in film for her role in as the eponymous Patty Hearst in 1998 but she also had a successful career on the boards in a revival of Anton Chekov’s “The Seagull.” I personally first saw Richardson in The Handmaid’s Tale, an adaptation of a Margaret Atwood novel when it was assigned to me in a high school English class, and I thought it was an amazing role and she was amazing in it.

A better summary of her work can be found here.

After she divored her first husband, she met and married her Nell co-star Liam Neeson. He and their two children have asked for privacy at this time.

5 thoughts on “Actress Natasha Richardson dies at 45 after ski accident

  • I’m really surprised to read this, because the last thing I saw on CNN (albeit at the gym) was that she was being moved to the US. I guess it’s the nature of the injury for demise to come so suddenly.

    I feel awful for Mr. Neeson, and it’s proof that celebrities aren’t insulated from the worst pain that humans feel.

  • Chad Vieth says:

    I ave to admit, I can not say I saw any of her movies, except “Nell”. but what a horrible thing happen children losing their Mom, and a husband losing his wife, as a husband and father I dread that kind of loss. My family’s sympathies to Mr. Neeson and their kids. šŸ™

  • This is absolutely horrible. I didnt know her by ‘Natasha Richardson’, I only recognized her as ‘Elizabeth’ on The Parent Trap, and when i saw it was her, i almost cried myself.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and close friends.

  • Nigel G. Hallam says:

    it’s the 17th of April and recent weeks have been difficult for my family in one way or another. So to Mr. Neeson and your family my heartfelt sorrow for the loss of your beautiful wife, Natasha. To your young son’s you should be proud to have had a mother so richly talented. It is horrible that she is gone! God Bless you, your family and all your friends.

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