Trisha’s Quote of the Day: Figuring out Michael Bay’s id

2 thoughts on “Trisha’s Quote of the Day: Figuring out Michael Bay’s id

  • BlueNight says:

    I found myself split in my judgement of TF2.

    I found the humor crude, unfunny, and ultimately forgettable; at best it shows how anyone trying to imitate humanity (the Twins) ends up just looking silly, and at worst it proves Megatron right about those puny flesh creatures being worthless.

    I found the plot deeply complelling, partly because it was not exclusively told from the point-of-view of Sam. Largely it was, but we did have scenes with robots talking to robots with NO HUMANS AROUND. That in itself is a major achievement compared to the prior film. The extra continuity points (the Fallen, the Matrix, the Primes, Autobot vs. Decepticon being a choice) were delicious, and I understood every bit of it, unlike Ebert.

    It helps that I took a sense of perspective on the original series by watching The Five Faces Of Doom before I left for the film. The original Transformers had some wacky plots and retcons too; Bay’s is just shinier and cruder.

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