Ryan Reynolds beats Justin Timberlake, Bradley Cooper for Green Lantern's ring (updated)

reynoldsIt was a difficult decision to make, but The Hollywood Reporter has two stories up on how Green Lantern director Martin Campbell, producers Donald De Line and Greg Berlanti, and the Warner Bros. studio execs finally narrowed their choices for the titular role down to Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, and Justin Timberlake–and now they’re stating that it’s Reynolds’ role to lose.

According to the first article, each of them had a favorite, it was difficult to come to a consensus on who should get the part, and of course they’re not revealing which person or entity won when Reynolds went into final negotiations yesterday.

The most interesting part about this story is that not only did all three have to come in to do a second round of screen tests, but that this process started last Monday, when a deal with two of the three actors had expired, which meant they would be free to sign deals with other movies whose production schedules matched up with Lantern‘s, and that everyone involved was able to wait about a week before someone blabbed to the media.

Of the three, I think that Timberlake would have been the most awkward choice because while he has proven himself to be a gifted actor, he’s still behind Cooper and Reynolds when it comes to chops. Between the two, I would have had a difficult time choosing, too.

The movie begins shooting in January, 2010, and is set to open in December.

Update (7/13/09): Variety put a new article up late last night saying that, indeed, Ryan Reynolds is now “set” as the star of Green Lantern — meaning the contracts are signed. This shit is official, kids!

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6 thoughts on “Ryan Reynolds beats Justin Timberlake, Bradley Cooper for Green Lantern's ring (updated)

  • I think either Ryan or Cooper would have been good choices. I perfered Cooper because Ryan already has Deadpool coming soon and it would be good for Cooper to star in a major motion picture by himself.

  • Suddenly I'm having visions of Marvel and DC co-producing a “Green Lantern and Deadpool” movie, with Reynolds playing both parts at the same time. It'd be like smooshing together the “Green Lanter/Green Arrow” comics with the “Cable & Deadpool” series. Or maybe a superhero version of a buddy-cop film, with Hal Jordan being the “Murtaugh” to Wade Wilson's “Riggs”.

  • transient says:

    +1 on Cooper as Indy said, plus …

    I think Cooper could bring more 'swagger' to the role, while Reynolds would be more on the goofy/smarmy side. I like Reynolds plenty, and think he's great for Deadpool. But when I imagine Green Lantern, Cooper's Jack Bourdain in Kitchen Confidential is pretty much spot on.

  • BlueNight says:

    Hal Jordan nothing! I want him as Kyle Rayner receiving the ring from an aging and retired Hal Jordan.

    I'm tired of each and every superhero movie being a carte blanche origin story where no other superheros are around. Give us Spider-Man/Fantastic Four! Give us Hulk/XMen Teamup! Give us Deadpool/Giant-Size Man-Thing! (Waitaminnit…) At least give us Batman Beyond (the episodes that didn't suck).

    If there's a legacy heritage that goes with the costume, TELL US. If there's a big backstory on the character, TELL US. Watchmen and Hancock broke the mold, and Iron Man promised us Avengers. Give us Marvels!

  • BlueNight says:

    Hal Jordan nothing! I want him as Kyle Rayner receiving the ring from an aging and retired Hal Jordan.

    I'm tired of each and every superhero movie being a carte blanche origin story where no other superheros are around. Give us Spider-Man/Fantastic Four! Give us Hulk/XMen Teamup! Give us Deadpool/Giant-Size Man-Thing! (Waitaminnit…) At least give us Batman Beyond (the episodes that didn't suck).

    If there's a legacy heritage that goes with the costume, TELL US. If there's a big backstory on the character, TELL US. Watchmen and Hancock broke the mold, and Iron Man promised us Avengers. Give us Marvels!

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