Fun and fabulous prizes in store at the end of June

In the interest of being responsible reviewers, there are some times in which we here at Geeking Out will read, watch, or experience something that’s outside of our comfort zone in order to provide the most coverage. For example, in preparation for her “First Night Flicks” review of Twilight: Eclipse, lead movie reviewer Lyssa has decided to watch both Twilight and New Moon back to back in one day.

Being the loving, and caring editors we are—and just because we’re into the idea of doing some MST3K-style commentary on two potentially horrible movies—co-editor Jillian and I decided that she shouldn’t have to do this alone. So, we’re going to join her for the first two parts of this epic saga of a human-vampire love that was never meant to be.

“But what is this thing about fabulous prizes?  I want fabulous prizes!” Well, we’re glad you asked…

In order to make this fun for you as our potential audience, we’re also turning our Twilight-a-thon into a contest with fabulous prizes! (Okay, they’re $15 USD gift certificates to either Amazon or iTunes, but it’s better than a poke in the eye, right?)

How do you win?  The contest details are subject to change, but for now the idea is this:

  1. On Monday, June 28, check out Geeking Out About… for 10 trivia questions that we will ask pertaining to the Twilight movies, the books, and/or the fandom.
  2. Answer those questions in the most entertaining way possible. An example of a question we might ask is: “How did Edward first rescue Bella from certain death, or at least certain maiming?”

    A bad, but correct answer would be: “He prevented an out-of-control truck from hitting her.”

    An incorrect, but good answer would be: “He administered the Heimlich maneuver when she was choking on all her poorly-written lines.”

    A really awesome and potentially-winning answer would be: “Fueled only by the solar power harnessed by his alabaster skin, he transformed into Super!Vampire and stopped a truck from hitting her.”

  3. Email all of those answers to us at, before or on July 9 and each of us will choose an entry whose answers we liked the best; those people will be our winners and have their answers published on the blog. There will also be Honorable Mention answers which will also be published because hey, we like publishing funny things.

Winners will be announced sometime the following week, but definitely before July 20. Any and all questions about these rules can be asked in the comments below and we’ll try and answer them as best we can.

Excited? Of course you are! Who wouldn’t want fabulous prizes for knowing that we’re suffering through watching two of the most popular movies in last decade?

And as a final, interesting note, when Jillian and I first conceived of this blog after having a meeting of the minds in the Desert Bus 2008 IRC chat room, we were sitting in the Starbucks cafe attached to the Barnes and Noble store near Union Square Park in New York City.

We were talking about books in connection to the initial idea for this blog you’re reading right now and how some authors really do need editors, how involved some people get into their fictional universes, etc., all using the Twilight books as an example and we were pretty merciless in our scorn.

We then got off of that subject and onto another one, and then I just happened to glance over to my left to see a girl who was not a teenager reading the book, and reading it pretty avidly.

I gestured at Jillers with my eyes, she looked over to see the book’s cover, and we both busted up laughing for a good five minutes.

Isn’t it nice when things come full circle?

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