Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga crack into the Code

More cast members are being added to director Duncan Jones’ next project Source Code and I couldn’t be happier.

According to The Hollywood Reporter‘s “Heat Vision” blog Michelle Monaghan will star opposite Jake Gyllenhaal as his love interest and Vera Farmiga is in negotiations to play the communications officer in charge of helping Gyllenhaal’s soldier navigate the mindscape of a witness to terrorist bombing and is forced to relive it in order to identify the culprits.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea that a movie about the very science fiction-y concept of being able to transfer your consciousness into another body is not beginning and ending with Avatar. A recent review by Donnie Sturges over at Spwug.com reminded me that James Cameron didn’t make a science fiction movie at all, because that wasn’t his goal.

Jones strikes me as the kind of director who isn’t going to bury the questions that such technology asks underneath the guise of an action movie or something else like that.

Filming is set to begin in March.

Related Posts: Director Duncan Jones, actor Jake Gyllenhaal go straight to the Source for Summit Entertainment

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