Link of the day: Painter of Light is now Master of Movies?

Paintings of Light as re-imagined by the Something Awful GoonsWell, not exactly. Vanity Fair obtained this really diva-like memo from Thomas Kinkaide—whose “paintings of light” were hilariously lampooned in a Photoshop Phriday bit I still love from four years ago—that he sent to the crew members of his direct-to-DVD movie The Christmas Cottage, which comes out this week. Cottage stars Peter O’Toole, Marcia Gay Hayden, and Jared Padalecki as a younger Kinkaide. I wonder exactly how many “Supernatural” fangirls will be buying this piece of crap just because Padalecki’s in it.

Anyway, some of what he wrote on the list was pretty dodgy from a filmmaker’s perspective, according to the experts VF consulted. However, some of the stuff was just plain weird:

Hidden details whenever possible, References to my children (from youngest to oldest as follows): Evie, Winsor, Chandler and Merritt. References to my anniversary date, the number 52, the number 82, and the number 5282 (for fun, notice how many times this appears in my major published works). Hidden N’s throughout — preferably thirty N’s, commemorating one N for each year since the events happened.

or even downright disgusting:

I get rid of the “ugly parts” in my paintings.


And the worst part of it all is that sales to his hardcore base fans will go through the fucking roof, which will encourage him to make even more schlocky movies which may even make it into theaters.

One thought on “Link of the day: Painter of Light is now Master of Movies?

  • I live in a town where Kinkade keeps one of his studios, and I gotta say, that is some of the worst, most tacky art I’ve ever seen in my life. Worst part is, I had to study his stuff in school, because he was a “local artist”. I knew it sucked back then, too.

    I love Supernatural, but there’s no way I would see that stupid movie.

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