Efron to get Footloose and fancy free

zac-efronThis may probably only be interesting to some of you, so I’m going to make it brief. Thanks to the power of teeny-boppers, Zac Efron’s smile, and High School Musical 3‘s box office take ($158 million in both domestic and foreign gross as of last night) Paramount Pictures is fast-tracking their Footloose movie-musical, which will not be based on the 1998 Broadway show, but will be more strongly tied to the original 1984 Kevin Bacon movie says Variety and Cinematical.

Efron is in talks to star, and they’ve already got Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist director Peter Sollett to take another pass at a script. But I’m not entirely convinced that this would be a good vehicle for Efron because ever since Leonardo DiCaprio said at a Body of Lies movie premiere that he was happy not being a heart-throb anymore and Efron could take that crown from him, those teenyboppers would want to see their hero do more than just dance and romance girls stuck in Midwestern towns, right?

On second thought, never mind…

2 thoughts on “Efron to get Footloose and fancy free

  • Sabine Griffin says:

    Oh, god. Please save me.

    I only care because I don’t need another gigantic garish close up of Zac Efron in my house (Sister’s a Zefron junkie).

  • I don’t even know who this kid is. I mean, I’m vaguely aware of the High School Musical thing, but mainly I only recognize his name from being made fun of on Entourage.

    Regardless, here we go again. Another remake.

    Hollywood is dead.

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