Will Michael Moore's documentary on the U.S. economy still be relevant by Spring 2009?

michael-mooreThat’s the question that probably haunting the minds of the executives over at Paramount Vantage and Overture the most as flaming liberal documentarian Michael Moore races both a wildly fluctuating worldwide economy, his $222 million dollar whipping boy’s departure from public office, and the arrival of a new public official who’s not as easy to poke holes through to finish a new film that Hollywood Reporter called “an end-of-the-empire” sort of movie.

Untitled for now, Moore’s latest project was originally going to be the international foreign policy follow-up to his Fahrenheit 9/11 but when the global economy started to tank, he switched his focus. There’s no word yet as to which public figures will regret being on camera, which foolhardy crazy conservatives or liberals he got to mouth off, or even which pop culture phenomenon he will attempt to copy for filler bits.

However, I think that everything that needs to be said about how the economy collapsed has already been said, most notably by the crews at This American Life and NPR News when they did their two big shows on the financial meltdown that may have sunk John McCain’s 2008 presidential dreams. I highly urge all of you to read the transcript for “The Giant Pool of Money” or buy the podcast for “Another Frightening Show About the Economy” because not only will you have a greater understanding of why everything’s all screwed up, you know exactly what to tell your state representative when it comes to making sure the “right” people are getting help and not the “wrong” people.

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