Link of the day: OMG, DO TOTALLY WANT‘s Michael Pinto—he who propelled me onto that wild goose chase which ended up at “Life on Mars”—has redeemed himself somewhat by linking to perhaps the best gift you could ever give a film geek for any holiday, or a birthday, or just because you really, really appreciate their hard work over the last six months of blogging (ahem, ahem, Gordon).

From 2006 comes a 50-DVD Criterion set of films that were all distributed through Janus Films, the distributor who is responsible for introducing films like Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai and Fritz Lang’s M to the American cinescape. Pinto has the entire list of films up on his site, and according to, they’ll sell it to you new for the low, low price of $765.

Of course a true cinephile would wait for the Blu-ray…

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