Director John Curran, actress Keira Knightley are both beautiful and Damned

f-scott-fitzgerald-zeldaVariety reports that John Curran will be the director of the Keira Knightley-starring biopic about the fiery romance between author F. Scott Fitzgerald and his schizophrenic wife Zelda Sayre (at right) called The Beautiful and the Damned.

This news confirms the fact that Fitzgerald has become en vogue again, what with his short story becoming the basis for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Variety‘s EIC Peter Bart warning Australia director Baz Luhrman against attempting to do another film of The Great Gatsby.

In a way, I can understand the interest in Fitzgerald’s work right now. He wrote during the 1920s, in an boom era that came right before the Great Depression; we’re currently at the cusp of what could possibly become another Great Depression because for the most part people are greedy, overly materialistic, and use their credit cards way too much. I also do think that there is a great story in the Fitzgerald-Sayre relationship that is perhaps rivaled by that of Sid and Nancy, but with more social climbing and less homicide.

Definitely looking forward to this one.

2 thoughts on “Director John Curran, actress Keira Knightley are both beautiful and Damned

  • I’d like to see this, but not to pay theater prices. Definitely a rental.

    I’m kind of tired of stories about authors and artists that focus more on their love life than their creative life…

    True, but I think that an exploration of the love life would lead to some insight to their creativity.

    Or maybe I’m just being too idealistic. This is Hollywood, not a documentary, after all. 😛

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