Reliance, Brett Ratner ready to make Youngblood movie

youngbloodI always keep asking how it is that “bad boy” 1990s comics artist Rob Liefeld manages to get work in the comics industry even though he is one of the worst artists, and then I find quotes like this one from director Brett Ratner at Variety:

“Most of the great graphic novels are gone, and Youngblood is one of the few comicbooks left with tentpole potential,” Ratner told Daily Variety. “It was a real personal passion project for me, and a lot of people wanted (‘Youngblood’).

Yes, that’s right. India’s mega-media conglomerate Reliance Entertainment is going to be making a movie based on the 1990s Image Comics “hit” about a superhero team that is funded and overseen by the U.S. government who get more attention acting like celebrities and rock stars than for doing their jobs… much like Liefeld himself.

This is one of many deals to have come out of the Berlin Film Festival, and the beginning of the many film deals to come out of the development contracts Reliance has signed last year with such stars and their production companies as Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Jim Carrey.

Variety says Reliance paid around $500,000 Youngblood’s rights, and that the project will be fast-tracked alongside a second project of Ratner’s, a French graphic novel called Fly Wires (to be renamed Infinity), with Sylvain White (Stomp the Yard) directing John Collee (Master and Commander) writing the script.

But it’s the first part of Ratner’s statement that really rankles. “Most of the great graphic novels are gone”? Hello, what about Sandman? Or Finder? Or Planetary? Or Transmetropolitan? Or Interman? Greg Rucka’s Whiteout is coming out in September; why not give Queen & Country a shot, too?

Hell, Neil Gaiman has said that if someone were to give director Terry Gilliam $70 million, they could make the Good Omens movie, which has far better potential for being a “tentpole” film than a Youngblood movie ever has.

Oh, India… and here I was ready to be excited about you guys entering the Hollywood game.

6 thoughts on “Reliance, Brett Ratner ready to make Youngblood movie

  • Did we expect anything less (more) from Brett Ratner? Really?

    …if I had a spare 70 mill’, Good Omens would already be in post.

  • I think the key phrase in the “great graphic novels” comment was “tentpole potential,” by which he means blockbusters — meaning action, and lots of it.

    I don’t see Sandman, Transmet, or Planetary as big-budget blockbuster movies. Queen & Country, maybe. (I haven’t read Finder or Interman, so I don’t know how much action they have, or could potentially get shoved in.)

    Also, I’m curious what this might mean for the Harbinger film that may or may not be happening (it was being with Ratner “in mind” to direct). Hopefully he’ll replaced by someone… with… um… actual talent? Because THAT, I’d love to see as a movie.

  • Woah I was catching up with the last couple weeks and when you said Number 6 died I thought you meant from BSG and I was gonna go postal on your ass for giving stuff away. But then I realized that you were not even talking about, her and that I am officially a huge nerd. See you soon.

  • I agree with you about Sandman. I think that a lot of Gaiman’s best stuff wouldn’t easily translate to a movie. That’s why I don’t think we’ll ever see an American Gods movie as awesome as it would be. Interman has plenty of action and would work pretty well, but I think it would make a better TV series.

  • I was reading that if Terry Gilliam can get together 70 mill. they are going to do a Good Omens movie… Also they said that they would consider Sandman but Gaimen said he would rather have no movie than a bad one so I doubt it will happen. There is just to much going on in Sandman.

  • I’m an idiot I obviously read that here. But I looked at it again yesterday and forgot. Jesus I’m just making myself look bad on this comment thing.

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