Green Hornet gains director Michel Gondry

michelgondryI have to say that while Gordon is over the moon, I’m not entirely sure what to think of the news that Hollywood Reporter‘s Borys Kit laid on us Tuesday afternoon: Michel Gondry will be directing the new Green Hornet movie from Columbia Pictures.

On the one hand, it’s good that even after Stephen Chow stepped down from being its director—but is still in the cast as Kato to co-screenwriter Seth Rogan’s Britt Reid—executive producers Rogen and co-screenwriter/co-executive producer Evan Goldberg have enough clout and power to secure another director so quickly, and one of Gondry’s caliber to boot.

On the other hand, while I fell in love with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and even braved the bitter, bitter cold last March to watch the elephants walk through the middle of New York City on their way to Madison Square Garden just like Clementine and Joel did, I don’t know if Gondry’s directorial style will work well with Chow’s acting style or Rogen’s acting/writing style. It’s just too weird for me to even try to imagine.

So I guess the jury’s still out on this film for me.

Related Posts: Stephen Chow no longer directing Green Hornet, Stephen Chow signs onto The Green Hornet

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