Universal and Imagine Entertainment turn to Cthulhu for next horror project

cthulhuWell, okay, they’re not actually attempting to conjure up the Great Old One, but considering that Universal Pictures and Imagine Entertainment have just acquired the film rights to the Image Comics graphic novel titled The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft created by Jeff Blitz and Mac Carter, it is always a distinct possibility.

According to the Variety article, Universal tweaked to the GN because they thought it had a similar kind of sensibility to what they’re currently doing in reviving the classic Universal monster movies and re-introducing them to today’s audiences.

Strange Adventures takes the meta approach to storytelling, wherein the main character is Lovecraft himself whose encounter with a cursed book allows his feverish and horrific nightmare creatures across the dimensions from their world to ours.

The script adaptation will be done by Carter himself, who is apparently a commercial director. The other cool thing is that apparently Blitz and Carter are a film-making team who won a Bronze Lion at the Cannes advertising awards, but this info is only on Carter and Blitz’ website and has yet to be independently confirmed. They will also get executive producer credits, and Imagine’s Brian Grazer and Ron Howard with be producers.

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