Outland remake on track at Warner Bros.


I think I know who to blame for the news that Warner Bros. and Hollywood Gang Productions will be remaking Outland, the 1981 sci-fi thriller which starred Sean Connery: It’s all director Duncan Jones’ fault.

Think about it. If it weren’t for Moon being so freaking fantastic and Jones constantly being quoted as saying that Outland was one of his inspirations for making the film, then it wouldn’t have been brought back into the collective consciousness. And this might not necessarily be a bad thing.

Producer Gianni Nunnari with Hollywood Gang is quoted in Variety as saying, “At its core, Outland is a version of High Noon in outer space, as two courageous people take a stand against a gang of ruthless conspirators at the highest level”—which while true is also sad to say that after having seen it a while ago, that is the only thing about that movie that I remember.

Michael Davis, who wrote and directed Shoot ‘Em Up with Clive Owen, will be directing from a Chad St. John script.

3 thoughts on “Outland remake on track at Warner Bros.

  • Hmmm. Usually I hate re-makes with a deep, burning passion. This, however seems like a good idea. The original was really good in a sort of Golden Age sci-fi meets the gritty eighties and was pretty solidly told.

    It might just work. Unless they do to Outland what they did toRollerball (man. I just ruined my day like they ruined Rollerball).

  • Actually, this could be promising. I enjoyed Shoot 'Em Up, it was a fun action-film satire. I still need to see Moon–I don't think it is playing anywhere near me though (curses).

  • Actually, this could be promising. I enjoyed Shoot 'Em Up, it was a fun action-film satire. I still need to see Moon–I don't think it is playing anywhere near me though (curses).

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