Lionsgate buys Soderbergh's Knockout, filming hasn't even started yet

GinaCaranoI don’t know what it is about director Steven Soderbergh, but I’ll bet you that some other filmmakers currently at the Toronto Film Festival are pissed that a film he’s directing that he hasn’t even started has already been picked up for distribution when their finished pictures haven’t yet.

From the article by Variety writer Michael Fleming, Soderbergh’s newest film called Knockout has been picked up by Lionsgate Films for domestic distribution with Mandate handling the international sales. The film will also be fully financed by Relativity Media.

Written by Lem Dobbs (The Limey) and starring Gina Carano (a mixed martial artist and nouveau American Gladiator) the film is to be a spy thriller in the vein of La Femme Nikita, and filming will begin in January 2010 in Ireland, Turkey, and the United States.

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