Quick Cut: Jeffrey Dean Morgan to see a Red Dawn?

Word is that Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen) is in “final negotiations” to join the cast of the Red Dawn remake as the leader of a U.S. Special Forces team who finds the teen warriors’ hideout while he is trapped behind enemy lines, taking the role that Powers Boothe had in the original. Considering that most audiences today know him as the former Marine Corps father who taught his sons Sam and Dean how to fight ghosts in “Supernatural,” this casting is a slam dunk. (Source: Variety)

2 thoughts on “Quick Cut: Jeffrey Dean Morgan to see a Red Dawn?

  • This is great because with the prominent threat that is the Soviet war machine and its goal of spreading communism over the world this movie is very timely!

    Also: Wasn't Powers Booth a downed fighter pilot?

  • This is great because with the prominent threat that is the Soviet war machine and its goal of spreading communism over the world this movie is very timely!

    Also: Wasn't Powers Booth a downed fighter pilot?

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