Creation will come to market this December

It may be slow-going thanks to the economy, but news of the Toronto Film Festival buys keeps coming in.

The latest was Newmarket Films’ acquisition of the rights to Creation, directed by Jon Amiel and starring married couple Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly as Charles Darwin and his wife Emma, according to Variety.

As Gordon and I argued about when this project was first cast last year, I’m not entirely convinced that a story about “Charles Darwin and his family as he struggles to finish On the Origin of Species” is going to be compelling if it just focuses on his work and not the interpersonal relationships between him, his wife, his colleagues as he was writing the book; from the trailer, it looks like I’m right and that’s the direction Amiel took the project:

I guess the only way I’m going to find out for sure is if I actually go and see the movie. Luckily, I’ll get a chance to when Newmarket sends it to theaters this December. I’ll also give mad props to Newmarket for choosing to have this on a slate which also included The Passion of the Christ.

Heresy for Christmas, anyone?

Related Posts: Real Life Marrieds Bettany and Connelly to Uncover the Origin of Darwin’s Species

3 thoughts on “Creation will come to market this December

  • Honestly, I think the “battle / war” with the church would, at least to me, be the most interesting aspect. It's the thing I know least about, but then again, I doubt it would make fantastic cinema.

    Here's me waiting on the dumb bible true Christians screaming outrage!
    Darwin and the Bible do not conflict, grow a brain and realise.

  • Hmm…
    I hope that the movie doesn't ignore the fact that Darwin's theory was the result of collaborations and not merely individual genius.

  • Hmm…
    I hope that the movie doesn't ignore the fact that Darwin's theory was the result of collaborations and not merely individual genius.

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