Bryan Singer to come back to direct X-Men Origins: The First Class? (updated: confirmed)

Apparently the thing to do these days is that when you have a movie premiere, you hire some telegenic actors to interview people on your red carpet and stream it live via Ustream for your official MySpace page.

That’s just the thing that the folks in the Avatar marketing department did for the movie premiere last night, and it was one of the crew members at who was paying attention to the feed whose ears perked up during director Bryan Singer’s interview when he mentioned that he’d signed a deal to direct the next X-Men Origins film.

To view the interview for yourself, check out the below, fast-forwarding to where the pin is stuck in the middle of the slider bar:

UPDATE: Fox has since confirmed Singer’s signing and has also announced that screenwriter Jamie Moss (Street Kings, Ghost in the Shell) has been brought on for a “back to the drawing board” rewrite, as THR put it.

3 thoughts on “Bryan Singer to come back to direct X-Men Origins: The First Class? (updated: confirmed)

  • Let's just hope it's less bad than Origins: Wolverine. Only seldom did I see such a convoluted movie, cramped with (maybe) interesting characters that were dead or disappeared five minutes later. And having a showdown at the place of the second biggest nuclear disaster in the (real) world: Not cool.

  • Let's just hope it's less bad than Origins: Wolverine. Only seldom did I see such a convoluted movie, cramped with (maybe) interesting characters that were dead or disappeared five minutes later. And having a showdown at the place of the second biggest nuclear disaster in the (real) world: Not cool.

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