20th Century Fox picks up a Machete

If there’s one thing I appreciate about director Robert Rodriguez, it’s that when the man says he’s going to do something like make an entire movie based on a “throwaway” trailer that he made to run with a different movie, not only does he do it, other people give him money for it.

A perfect example would be 20th Century Fox picking up the domestic distribution rights to Rodriguez’ Machete, beating out Paramount Pictures and Lionsgate according to Variety. Or how about Sony Pictures and some other smaller overseas distributors buying the international distribution rights sight almost unseen, which gave him enough money to make the movie last year in Austin, Texas?

Having just caught From Dusk Till Dawn the other day, I’m definitely in the mood for a great revenge flick full of fancy knife-wielding, possibly some explosions, bombastic dialogue, and a whole lot of heart, which I am sure Machete will deliver in spades.

No word yet on when the film will be released.

Related Posts: Robert Rodriguez to bring Predators, Machete to the big screen

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