Trailer Watch: Red band Cop Out trailer

Oh, Kevin Smith, I think you won my heart back again.

That’s what I’m talking about! Well-framed talking heads dialogue, snappy banter, crude sexual humor… that’s the Kevin Smith whose films I’ve loved.

All is forgiven for caving in on the movie title. Cop Out (formerly known as A Couple of Dicks) hits the streets on February 26, 2010.

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3 thoughts on “Trailer Watch: Red band Cop Out trailer

  • Bruce Willis drawing a penis on the interrogating room's window is enough for me to see this film

  • lethalinterjection says:

    150% better than the trailer I saw in theatres in December.
    Gives a much better feel for the plot/humour/pretty much everything.
    And a Smith film I had little interest in, I now want to see.

  • Dr.Halpistein says:

    The kid in the car sold me. They should've kept the part where he cock punches him though. If I saw that for the first time in the theatre I think I'd die laughing.

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