Tag: Alamo Drafthouse

Someday, you too, can have a Drafthouse


Dear NYC-area Geeking Out About Readers with Money,

I am a movie fan who can’t afford to go see movies every week like my boss does. However, if there happened to be a New York City-version of the world-famous Alamo Drafthouse, I would eat ramen noodles for dinner more often in order to be able to save up enough money to be able to watch a movie, drink alcohol, and eat food all at the same time.

I know we have the IFC Theater and the Angelika, but it’s just not the same. I remember back when I was living in Southern California and when Downtown Disney opened up, one of my most favorite things to do would be to get a cup of Irish coffee from the Disneyland Hotel bar and bring it with me to the movie theater. Drinking while watching movies with your friends and a whole bunch of strangers is an awesome experience, and I want to experience that here instead of having to fly all the way down to Austin.

So please, if you have money and good business skills, would you please consider being a Drafthouse franchise-owner? With movies costing $10 a ticket these days, theaters need to start doing more to entice audiences in this recession. Do it for the economy! Do it for your love of movies!

But most importantly, do it for me?

Trisha Lynn