Tag: Clark Gregg

Around the Water Cooler: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – “The Magical Place” (spoilers!)

And yet, he still didn't reveal a thing © ABC/Marvel Studios/Netflix
And yet, he still didn’t reveal a thing © ABC/Marvel Studios/Netflix

You have no idea how freaking happy I am that Netflix is streaming the entirety of the first season of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” right now. I was afraid that due to living in a cord-cutter household and being on a very tight budget, I wouldn’t be able to justify spending the money to get the series on iTunes. And I couldn’t justify the ongoing cost of a Hulu Plus membership either. But now I can at least watch the whole first season and get caught up, so let’s pretend that an entire season and a bit hasn’t gone by, okay?

  • Again, the “Previously on” is well-edited and after seeing it, I feel the same sense of satisfaction and excitement I did almost a year ago when I stopped watching the show.
  • And let’s talk about May saying that “Fitzsimmons” was up. I’m not sure what to make of Fitz’s newfound steely-eyed nature when using his scanner drones as weaponry. Simmons’ dismay at the same thing is also a very nice character point for her.
  • Victoria Hand is back! Thanks to a friend on Facebook, I now know why so many Marvel fen squealed in excitement when she showed up in “The Hub.” And now, I’m appropriately excited, too.
  • I’m going to make a prediction that the reason why May answered “No” when she was asked if Skye would be an asset on the plane is that she knows that Skye works best when she’s not surrounded by the type of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are currently with Hand on the plane.
  • Aww, I love how this team has bonded, even to the point of where they’re willing to bend a few rules in order to let Skye have her shot at finding Coulson.
  • Some points of order and questions regarding Skye’s escape sequence: 1) All of that? Took longer than 12 minutes. 2) I forget the reason why she can’t just take the bracelet off. Is it connected to her somehow? Is there a magnetized chip embedded in her skin under it, keeping it in place? 3) Why did she need the jacket? 4) Wouldn’t a newspaper have more recent intelligence on whose vehicle she could steal? 5) Why didn’t the air bags deploy in the SUV?
  • Ugh, and now I remember why I have a love/hate relationship with this show.
  • Aha, so that’s why she needed the jacket. And I love how the mark isn’t exactly dumb either, triggering the silent alarm like that.
  • “No single agent is that important.” “Coulson is.” I think I love this conversation because it reveals a lot about how segmented S.H.I.E.L.D. itself is and how—spoilers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier—HYDRA was able to infiltrate it so deeply.
  • Boom. I love it when I’m right about characters in general, and Melinda May in particular.
  • It makes sense that Raina’s power (if we’re calling it that, and why not?) is that of persuasion. How else could she get reasonable people to agree to become Centipede’s playthings?
  • Ron Glass! I’m glad that he’s back and that his character wasn’t in this just for the pilot.
  • Why am I not surprised that S.H.I.E.L.D. has 3D brain matter printers? Also, is this the MCU version of a Life Model Decoy? If so, that’s pretty rad.
  • No lie; my heart was racing during the entire sequence where Coulson confronts Ron Glass’ Dr. Streiten (Doctor Straighten?) about what happened to him. The “thunk” as the scene faded to the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo made me jump.
  • When I think about it, I shouldn’t be surprised that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been working or has this kind of technology. How were they able to get Captain America out of his cryostasis without significant nerve and tissue damage, if they didn’t? However, it’s through reading other science fiction—specifically Old Man’s War by John Scalzi—that I’m able to accept the idea of consciousness being something that can be stored and moved or re-implanted somewhere else.

I think I’ll go ahead and make Sunday nights my time to review episodes of this and other TV shows going forward. Tune in next time to see what else I’m watching!

Around the Water Cooler: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – “The Asset″ (spoilers!)

This screenshot summarizes what's awesome about Joss Whedon's aesthetic.
This screenshot summarizes what’s awesome about Joss Whedon’s aesthetic. © ABC/Marvel Studios

Lots of spoilers ahead for this commentary on the third episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., now available to watch on the ABC website.

  • What I loved about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, what I loved about parts of Angel, and especially what I loved about Cabin in the Woods is the concept that one can’t judge something on appearances alone. Sure, this truck driver is a hick; Agent Mack is also a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and his expertise in transportation is valuable. Major plus points for this continued bit of world-building.
  • Another thing I loved was that despite Quinn’s grandstanding, he’s not really evil, just opportunistic.
  • I thought the mentor/bonding moments between Ward and Skye were nice. I can see them becoming friends.
  • I wish they hadn’t revealed Skye’s duplicity to the audience so soon. Also, since Quinn was able to escape, now Rising Tide has to know that she’s on the fence with them now.
  • Coulson continues to get the best scenes, to hammer out the best “What moral quandary are we in this week?” dialogue; Clark Gregg delivers it with the proper amount of gravitas, no pun intended.
  • Now that Agent May is back in the saddle again, can we please have some hot “I’m a better fighter than you” action between her and Ward?
  • Can next week’s episode please be the “character-establishing” episode for either Fitz or Simmons?
  • I am totally not surprised that Dr. Hall is trapped in the ball of gooey gravity.

I think the show’s starting to grow on me. Here’s to next week.

Trisha’s Take: “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Created by Joss Whedon
Directed by David Straiton, Joss Whedon
Starring Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Iain De Caestecker, Elizabeth Henstridge
Guest Starring J. August Richards, Cobie Smulders, Ron Glass

Like most people, I loved and adored Agent Phil Coulson ever since he started bothering Tony Stark in Iron Man. And throughout the new Marvel movie universe, Clark Gregg’s Coulson has slipped in and out, around, and through dense blockbuster movie plotlines to deliver bon mots, a practical everyman’s view, and a certain insouciance that can’t be analyzed but rather just needs to be enjoyed.

So when I first heard that Agent Phil Coulson would return to the ‘verse in a TV series called “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” as the leader of a small strike force within the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization and that the TV show would be created by Joss Whedon, I was conflicted. Would this be awesome, like “Firefly”? Or problematic, like “Dollhouse”?

Note: There will be spoilers in this review. Oh yes, there will be spoilers.

Having missed all of the pre-show hype at Comic Con in San Diego and other places completely, I went into the episode blind to most of what the rest of the Internet has already known about the series: Agent Phil Coulson would be returning from his movie death in The Avengers to lead a team of non-super-powered humans from within the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization. I didn’t know exactly how they were going to pull off the Coulson-reveal, but I have to admit the way it was scripted and the way Gregg delivered it, I couldn’t have asked for more. And a bit reminiscent of the unsettling nature of Cabin in the Woods and “Dollhouse,” just when the audience could sit back and bask in his triumphant return, Ron Glass’s generic S.H.I.E.L.D. doctor character revealed that there’s even something sinister involved with Coulson’s return to active duty. (Please let it not be Mister Sinister?)

As far as the first episode goes, the formula for the ongoing series seems fairly simple: S.H.I.E.L.D. gets wind that someone is exhibiting supernatural powers, Coulson’s team goes in to investigate, something goes wrong, the team saves the day. It’s a formula which works for many a mystery novel and has worked for cop dramas since those things were invented; as any fan of these knows, it’s the characters doing the investigating which keep viewers and readers coming back for more.

Obviously, Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson is the top draw, but what about the rest of the team? Here are my impressions of them in no particular order:

Brett Dalton plays Grant Ward, a covert ops agent who is assigned to work on Coulson’s new team. It was hard to tell from the debriefing session between Ward and Agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders, reprising her role from the movie) whether or not he was a particularly good agent because while he did get the job done in an action-filled sequence near the beginning of the movie, you could have plugged another competent agent into that job due to the nifty gadgets he used and the end result would have been the same. The character flaw that he’s given is that he has “poopy” people skills; that’s probably why he works alone so often. (Also, he’s supposed to have combat skills on the same level as Natasha Romanov? I don’t buy that for one second.) I don’t think it’s Dalton’s fault that I didn’t like Grant Ward; I’m going to have to blame Joss Whedon and his two co-writers (and family members) Marissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon for not giving him enough pleasant things to do. At one point, though, I did feel a lot of empathy for Ward, and that was when he was being reverse-interrogated by Skye.

Ah yes, Skye. Played by Chloe Bennet, Skye is a social anarchist, a hacker, and currently not a favorite character of mine. Perhaps I’ve been watching too many “NCIS” or “Criminal Minds” reruns, but when I think of competent hackers and other “Fuck the system, man!” character-types, I don’t picture a woman who looks like Skye. I think that the character might have rung a bit more true with me if she’d been styled to be a bit more plain (hoodie, T-shirt and jeans as opposed to stylish preppie clothing) so that she could later surprise me with her brilliance the same way Miracle Laurie did at the end of the Dollhouse episode “Man on the Street.” I also had a lot of difficulty believing that Skye had enough skill to break into a secured S.H.I.E.L.D. communications line; then again, hacker groups have been breaking into lots of supposedly secure systems left and right these days, so perhaps I should go a little easy on her.

The technology team consists of Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) and Elizabeth Henstridge (Jemma Simmons), who are introduced together. He handles all things mechanical, she all things biological and together their characters fill the roles of both a forensics team and a Q-like quartermaster in one. I’m pleased to note that both actors are from the UK; hence, any ardent cries of “Their accents are so fake!” can be met with equally ardent defenses. In the few scenes they had to show off their characters’ strengths, it’s revealed that Simmons has the cooler head among the two, but Fitz has more genius under pressure as it’s he who’s able to come up with the magical cure to guest star J. August Richards’s “exploding head” problem.

Finally, rounding out the group is Agent Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) who is pulled out of a self-imposed, mind-numbing clerical job and back into action as the team’s pilot. (Did I mention their command center is a gigantic plane? Just checking.) There’s a lot of juicy background to her character as even hot shot Ward is dismayed (or astounded) that they were able to get her to be on the team. I’m actually pretty glad to see that the “One They Pull Out of Retirement” is a woman this time, and Wen embodies the role just perfectly.

As far as pilot episodes go, the plot and story arcs that were introduced were both standard and unique, sometimes at the same time. For example, J. August Richard’s character is first seen as a hero, but then as the investigation proceeds, he becomes the antagonist. A scene with the “innocent bystander” he saved swings him back around into “good guy” territory again, his rampage through Union Station with the captive Skye in tow has him doing another heel-face turn. And by the end, you’re not entirely sure whether or not to agree with Ward’s proposal to kill him with sniper fire or Coulson’s assertion that he needs to be saved. Considering that many of us live in countries who have decided that personal freedoms can be overridden in the name of “national security,” this kind of flexible thinking and plotting is a refreshing change from shows where the line between protagonist and antagonist are never crossed or blurred.

There’s one major problem I have with the plot, and it revolves around Phil Coulson. In the debriefing scene, Maria Hill tells Grant Ward that because the Avengers only have Level 6 security clearance, they haven’t been told about Coulson’s return. I take this to mean that any information about Coulson being alive is going to be severely restricted. At the same time, however, the final standoff between Coulson and Richards’ character takes place in the middle of a busy Union Station. And while I understand that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have cordoned off the area and evacuated all the civilians, when the camera pulls back a little, two civilians can be seen on the second level, watching the scene. And who’s to say that they won’t tell their friends about the Man in Black they saw?

So was this a perfect pilot? Heavens, no. Is there enough to make one want to continue watching it? Perhaps, and for me it entirely depends on how the characters are developed further.

Which means that even though he’s surely capable of doing it, Phil Coulson definitely can’t save this situation on his own.

“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” airs on ABC channels at 8 pm Eastern/7 pm Central if you have cable TV; if you don’t you can see full episodes (with commercials) on the ABC website and on Hulu.