Tag: funny

Trisha’s Link of the Day: Hooray for Aussie ingenuity!

If you’re in Australia and are afraid of the “spams coming through the portal,” Kogan has got you covered.

The Australian online electronics retailer is marketing a top-notch, state of the art “filter” which will protect you and keep you from being infected by the spams and scams.

With a thread count of 8000, our product provides direct physical protection from threats coming through the internet portal. Annoying spams and scams will be deflected away using our innovative technology.

Setting up the Kogan portal filter is simple. Create a protection barrier using our portal filter and you’re instantly protected. If you need to protect the family and the Government’s red panic button isn’t helping, simply apply the barrier to your home internet area. This is the best portal protection available in the world.

Thanks to Techdirt for the heads-up!