Tag: MCU

Trisha’s Take: Marvel’s Luke Cage

(c) Marvel Television/Netflix
(c) Marvel Television/Netflix

Created by Cheo Hodari Coker
Directed by Paul McGuigan (Eps. 1 & 2), Guillermo Navarro (Ep. 3)
Written by Cheo Hodari Coker (Eps. 1 & 2), Matt Owens (Ep. 3)
Starring Mike Colter, Simone Missick, Mahershala Ali, Alfre Woodard
Also Starring and/or Featuring Theo Rossi, Frank Whaley, Jade Wu, Frankie Faison

If there’s something I know about myself it’s that if I am really hooked into a show, I am not going to let anything silly like self-imposed deadlines and restraints keep me from watching as much or as little of it as I like. This explains why I watched all of the excellent and riveting first season of Jessica Jones series almost straight through and then took forever to finish the second season of Daredevil, finally throwing in the towel 26 minutes into the last episode because the story and all the characters annoyed me so much.

My friend Kara Dennison likes to give everything she watches three episodes to capture her eye. I decided to do the same with the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel’s Luke Cage; judging from my reaction to the last bit of “Who’s Going to Take the Weight?”, I think I’m going to have to plow right through the rest of the episodes today and tomorrow. Note: Oh yes, there will be spoilers for these first three episodes.

Introduced as private investigator Jessica Jones’ stalkee-fixation, then revealed to be a nigh-invulnerable powerhouse of his own as well as a tragic figure, creator Cheo Hodari Coker has moved Luke Cage from midtown Manhattan to black (and gentrifying) Harlem, and populated it with a host of characters who rarely get screen time in such a mainstream production. I lived in Harlem for about six months back when I was an assistant to a luxury real estate broker and seeing its streets and its people engendered both a feeling of nostalgia as well as a feeling that I had never really been part of Harlem.

But Hodari Coker (who also co-wrote the 2009 biopic Notorious about the life and death of rapper Notorious B.I.G.) is familiar with these streets, these people, its struggles, and its dichotomies. This is most evident in the writing of cousins Councilwoman Mariah Dillard and nightclub owner/gangster Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes, played by Alfre Woodard and Mahershala Ali respectively. The former is a person who believes that Harlem can begin a new Renaissance and return to its glory, the latter is one who believes that Harlem should retain its status quo where people like him run the show. And yet, both of them are tied to each other, connected by both family and a money laundering scheme because they know and recognize that both of their goals are nigh-impossible to achieve without a little cheating of the system.

In these first three episodes, Luke Cage (Mike Colter) stands outside of that system. After his destructive rampage in the latter episodes of Jones, he’s become a fugitive, working under the table as a dishwasher at Cottonmouth’s club and in a barbershop run by a former hoodlum named Pop who claims that his barbershop is “Switzerland” for the feuding gang and street elements of Harlem. Of course, one can’t make a claim like that in a hero’s journey story and so Pop gets gunned down by accident in Episode 2, prompting Cage to re-enter the world and to embody perhaps a third point of view when it comes to Harlem’s destiny.

I find that I like all of these characters and I want to find out more about how they will fit into the new landscape which Luke Cage is creating for the MCU Harlem. I like how Detective Misty Knight (Simone Messick) has a Sherlock-ian kind of “mind palace” where she can visualize how a crime scene actually happened just by having been there and viewing the photographs. I like how Cage’s Chinese landlord Connie (Jade Wu) speaks almost perfect English because her husband’s family (and she) have been Harlem residents for years and are also part of its community. This wouldn’t be the case if the wrong actors had been cast, and everyone in this series (so far) seems to be perfect for their parts.

This is a story that I’m really excited to continue watching despite some rather stupid blunders in the second episode (secrets shouldn’t be shouted about in the middle of your shop in the daytime, Pop!). I hope that I don’t get disappointed.

13 Days of Daredevil: “Bang” (spoilers!)

The irony being that this line could apply to either character in this scene. © Marvel Studios/Netflix
The irony being that this line could apply to either character in this scene. © Marvel Studios/Netflix

As every Marvel Cinematic Universe fan knows, the second season of Daredevil hit Netflix on Friday, driving many superhero fans indoors over the weekend. I really enjoyed watching the first season at a clip of one episode a day, so rather than binge-watching like many of my friends have decided to do, I’m going to go through these episodes one at a time and let you know my thoughts. And yes, there will definitely be spoilers, but there will also be some caveats as well.

Given that I still haven’t seen “Marvel’s Jessica Jones,” Season 3 of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D” or either season of “Marvel’s Agent Carter,” I’d appreciate it if any responses to rhetorical questions I have that can be answered by those shows be limited to a simple, “That’s answered elsewhere.” I am caught up on all the Marvel movies, but I haven’t read any of the corresponding comic books; same deal applies.

Enough with the blather, on with the show!

  • I appreciate the little recap before the episode started because it does hit all the high points from the season as well as reminding me of the awesome corridor fight from “Cut Man” which I am likely to go back and watch again. Also, I’m also very glad to know what “moodak” means in Russian.
  • I am not in love with the vocal song at the end of the recap, however. I hope it doesn’t stick around.
  • I like a good foot chase and establishing action scene as much as the next gal, but why didn’t these mooks have a getaway driver?
  • “That’s the tragedy of you being blind; you haven’t seen me dance.” I really hope that they pick this up somewhere in the season. Is there a TV Tropes listing for Chekov’s Artistic Ability yet?
  • Karen’s pause after the bar fight client calls her a badass? Nice bit of subtle acting there.
  • I’m so very glad that the curse word “shite” is finding its way into American vernacular through this scene. It definitely establishes the scene well. I’m wondering, however, if the plates of ham, potatoes, and cabbages I saw on the table were perhaps just a bit too stereotypical. Also, wasn’t it the Italian mafia who ran Hell’s Kitchen back in what Nesbitt’s day was, leading up to the rise of Wilson Fisk?
  • Karen is such a badass right now, spinning up that cover story like fine yarn. Evidently, whatever amount of time passed between the “Daredevil” episode and now was enough for her to come to grips with what she did to save herself in “The Path of the Righteous.”
  • And while we’re on the subject, I am metaphorically pouring one out for Toby Leonard Moore’s James Wesley. I hope there’s a new character this season who has a similar kind of rational evil.
  • Okay, so I’m not sure yet what Foggy’s got planned going into the Dogs of Hell’s club, but I love how this scene showcases that Foggy is just as much of a badass as Matt Murdock because he’s willing to go into dangerous situations without super powers because he knows it’s the right thing to do and he wants to protect someone he loves.
  • Maybe I have my critic’s brain screwed in a bit too tightly, but the dude who crossed the alley just before Karen and “Steve” burst out of the fire escape stairwell? The fact that he didn’t react to either the alarm or them bolting across the street is very shoddy extra directing.

So thanks to media, advertising, and the episode recaps on Netflix being what they are, I know that the mystery man who’s shooting up all the bad guys is none other than Frank Castle, aka the Punisher. And yet, this episode did an absolutely fabulous job of keeping it a bit of a mystery throughout this first episode. Also, I know that a confrontation with Elektra is in the future as well; I’m hoping that they treat that character’s arrival with as much delicacy.