Tag: The Thick of It

Geekly Speaking About… Peter Capaldi as the next Doctor Who

© BBC One
© BBC One

Ever since it was announced that Peter Capaldi would be playing the newest incarnation of the lead character in the long-running British series Doctor Who, I’ve been excited to see exactly what direction the show would be going. After all, like many folks, I was first introduced to Capaldi as an actor through his work as the impressive and imposing Malcolm Tucker from “The Thick of It.”

All jokes about a “foul-mouthed Scottish Doctor” aside, I thought it would be best to turn to the (Re)Generation Who Community Manager (and former Geeking Out About contributor) Kara Dennison to speak about what may be in store for us during Series 8 from Capaldi based on his other acting work:

  • Apologies for the echoing, but that’s Skype for you. Also, there are a few swear words here and there in the podcast; I blame Malcolm Tucker. And finally, I’m sorry this isn’t fancy like the other podcasts, but my other jobs left me with little time to prep this one.
  • It’s worth noting that (Re)Generation Who is really reaching high for its inaugural convention as their guests include Colin Baker (Sixth Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), and a Skype Q & A with Tom Baker (Fourth Doctor). Check out their Guests page to see the entire list.
  • Here’s that article from The Mary Sue that I referenced.
  • Here’s my article on “The Time of the Doctor.”

If you don’t want to be spoiled for the events of the next Doctor Who series airing at 7:50 pm in the U.K. on BBC One and here in the U.S. on BBC America at 8:15 pm Eastern/7 pm Central, I don’t recommend following our Twitter stream, @geekingoutabout starting around 1 pm Central. But do check back later on in the day for our impressions of “Deep Breath.”