Tag: video

Black Star Warrior needs your help, badly

Once again, Google informed me that the latest and final part of the Black Star Warrior documentary is online, and this one has an appeal for help at the end:

As the YouTube comments have so far stated, this is really tripping my “This is fake” buttons, but I also agree that it’s so well-done that I don’t care. The glimpses at the end of the documentary of what looks like “actual” footage is pretty interesting, and if indeed they will be releasing a trailer to go along with this, you know I’ll be all over it. Also, isn’t Comic Con coming up soon?

Anyway, if you think you can help, go visit LandoIstheMan.com for more information.

Related Posts: More “news” about BlackStar Warrior?, Video of the day: Did someone really make a black version of Star Wars?

Ghostbusters 3 filming in NYC?

Well, not exactly:

This bit of midday surreality has been brought to you by the fine folks at Improv Everywhere, who gave me 1 or 2 of my allotted 15 minutes of TV fame when their re-enactment of a U2 concert made a VH-1 “Top 40 greatest pranks” show and clips of my screaming like a crazed fan made the show.

More “news” about BlackStar Warrior?

At first, I was dubious at the thought or idea that floating out in the ether somewhere is a blaxploitation version of Star Wars, but I quickly forgot about the whole concept—until my YouTube subscription alert mentioned that the second part of the documentary was online:

Going back to the LandoIstheMan.com blog, I found this blog entry which explained that Alan, the blog’s author, has a friend who created a movie poster featuring Lando Calrissian as the star of a spinoff Star Wars movie called Lando, and it was this action that started the whole thing:

[Alan’s artist friend] Matt decided it would be fun to dig around and explore the rumblings about this supposed 1980’s Blaxploitation film that takes place in the Star Wars universe. After uncovering some tantalizing evidence he thought Marcus might be telling the truth.

I’m totally calling shenanigans on this, because it all smacks of “friend of a friend” business; and yet, subsequent posts on the blog suggest that this Alan guy totally believes it’s real. Also? He’s got consistent pictures of his family on the blog, including candid vacation shots, and I don’t think anyone would do that to their kids on a hoax website… would they?

I’m going to try and get to the bottom of this, because I have to admit, if is fake, it’s really well done.