Tag: Anime Boston

Trisha’s Take: Analysis of a rape allegation

[Editor’s Note: Before I start, I’d like to preface this by saying that I was acquainted and friendly with both the accuser and the accused while I was first a guest relations, then publicity staffer at an East Coast anime convention from about 2004 to 2008. Until recently, I had not spoken or corresponded with either of them since I left New York City in 2012. Any and all opinions are my own unless otherwise stated, and all anonymous sources shall remain confidential.]

A question I never want to need to ask ever again. © Geeking Out About
A question I never want to need to ask ever again. © Geeking Out About

If you’re into geek feminism and women’s issues, it’s been an interesting couple of years. Recently, we had the debacle at the TechCrunch awards ceremony, the Gamergate saga in the video game world, the first-person account of how to report sexual harassment at a science fiction convention, and the reveal that a prominent sci-fi/fantasy author participated in abusing her own child.

Each time I read another report, I thought to myself, “Well, that’s truly horrifying, but I don’t think things like that have happened in my anime fandom.”

That is, until now.

Two days ago, I woke up to see mentions of a Facebook post where someone whose name wasn’t immediately familiar to me accused someone else I knew of rape. The post from Amber Marie Frazier read in part:

I was raped last year at Anime Boston by Tom Wayland. I trusted him, as a friend, colleague, and a guest [whose] needs I was charged with taking care of. That is why you have not seen me around, and when you have I have been so different. That is why I am not doing anime shows or anything that involved crowds.

Frazier continued:

I wanted to tell all of you for two reasons. First, because you all know and love me, and you are not fools, and have noticed there is something wrong. I need your love and support if I am ever going to be anything like the woman you knew before. Secondly, so you can TELL EVERYONE. If you don’t tell everyone, he can do it again to someone else who trusts him. I have reason to believe that I am not the first, but I will be the last if I have anything to do about it.

According to Frazier, Anime Boston was made aware of her accusation and they’re not allowed to publicly comment. She also confirmed that they removed him from their list of invited guests. Interestingly, she also stated that she would share the information which she had told to Anime Boston and the police, but cautioned people against wanting to know that amount of detail. The last statement was the most interesting of all:

Don’t worry about slander or libel, I checked with my lawyer, and it is only that if it is not true.

My first reaction was, “Oh my God.”

My second reaction was, “Well… under certain circumstances, I think I can see how that could happen.”