Tag: Comic Adaptation

Neil Gaiman’s Sandman + Supernatural‘s Eric Kripke = Gigantic mistake?

If you’re a fan of British author Neil Gaiman’s former monthly comics series Sandman and have always wanted to see a live-action version, then The Hollywood Reporter has news for you.

Over at their Heat Vision blog, reporters Borys Kit and James Hibberd broke the exclusive news that Warner Bros. TV is “in the midst of acquiring television rights from sister company DC Entertainment and in talks with several writer-producers about adapting the 1990s comic. At the top of the list is Eric Kripke, creator of the CW’s horror-tinged ‘Supernatural.'”

That howl you heard around 6 pm Pacific, by the way? Was the wailing and gnashing of teeth of many a mature female comics fan who knows and loves both Sandman and “Supernatural” and knows exactly how Kripke could possibly fuck it all up.

The bit of good news from the blog that all fans are holding onto lies in these two sentences from Kit and Hibberd:

[Neil Gaiman] is not involved in the new developments, though since it is early in the process, that may change. In fact, securing Gaiman will prove key for the project to go forward.

Gaiman, who is currently in the U.K. taking care of business related to his upcoming “Doctor Who” episode, didn’t comment on his Twitter account when the news broke here in the U.S. because he was on a Skype call to the Melbourne Writer Fest in Australia as one of their events. (Damn, don’t you love technology, these days?)

Trailer Watch, Pass or Fail edition: Machete versus The Social Network, plus a bonus trailer

Good Lord, we’re behind on our movie trailers, aren’t we? Let’s get down to it, then!

I had to watch this at the office with the sound turned off, which means that I had to completely imagine the overblown narration that probably accompanied this latest Machete trailer. Given that Grindhouse was not a box office success—$25 million total gross versus a $67 million budget—I can understand that the official studio trailer isn’t gonna have that awesome grindhouse feel which got the entire film greenlit to begin with.

Doesn’t mean it’s not a stupid trailer, though. So while the official trailer gets a fumble, me and my friends are still going to see this movie in U.S. theaters this fall on September 3.

Related Posts: Trailer Watch: “Illegal” Machete first trailer, 20th Century Fox picks up a Machete, Robert Rodriguez to bring Predators, Machete to the big screen

For a movie that’s your typical “Young guys stumble into brilliant invention, but money comes between their friendship”-flick like The Social Network seems to be flogging, I can’t help but think about other movies like Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988) or even Pirates of Silicon Valley and wonder exactly what is going to make this film stand-out from the pack.

If the only thing it has going for it is Aaron Sorkin putting words into Mark Zuckerberg’s mouth, then I think I’m going to give this one a pass. Directed by David Fincher, The Social Network is out in U.S. theaters on October 1.

Related Posts: Aaron Sorkin’s Facebook movie gets a title, cast, Aaron Sorkin Wants to Be Facebook’s Friend

Finally, props and kudos to Rick Marshall at MTV’s Splash Page blog for posting this exclusive 30 second teaser from the animated adaptation of comics creator Eric Powell’s The Goon, part of a longer section of film that will be shown this coming Friday—which will also be exclusively shown at the MTV blog directly after the panel ends at 7:00 pm EST.

Featuring the voice of Paul Giamatti as Frankie and directed by David Fincher, hopefully we’ll learn if and when the movie will get a release date at the panel.