‘Ware the spoilers for this commentary on the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., now available to watch on the official website.
- The show is settling into its Monster of the Week format rather nicely. Good work by guest star Pascale Armand on her portrayal of former Agent Akela Amador; great job by the casting department for casting a person of color rather than casting a default white person.
- As awesome as I am finding the alliterative agent names because of how in keeping they are with 1970s Marvel Comics nomenclature procedure, I think it needs to stop soon.
- Skye has really stepped up as a character; I find that I’m beginning to like her more. As the audience POV-character, she had to become more likable and she definitely did that during her interactions with Ward during the second op.
- Agent May really is a suspicious sort, isn’t she? I sure hope that she starts digging into Amador’s cryptic comment regarding Coulson’s change in personality.
- I love how the show acknowledged that May and Coulson are the “parents” of the team.
- Speaking of Coulson’s return from the dead, if finding out the secret to that is the main story arc for this season, I think it’s an inspired one.
- At least I did get to learn something about Fitz: Like Wash, he is squeamish under pressure, but when the chips are down, he will totally come through for the team. He just needs to get rid of his heebie-jeebies first. Also, he is not above cheating in order to win at games.
I really hope that next week’s episode shows more of this continual growth. Maybe we’ll find out something important about Simmons next week!